
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Truth About Toddlers

Shortly I will start posting pictures of my new house I have spent months decorating and making into our home. Of course these pictures will show perfectly clean and organized rooms, but let's be honest, that is not always the reality around here. Today, I wanted to do what most of the other Mommy home decor blogs don't dare- show you scenes from uglier days... like today.

I got up this morning and cleaned the house like I do most mornings, and it was darn near perfect. But you take ONE phone call and all heck breaks loose. Here are some crime scene photos from the occurrence this morning:

Filler from their St. Patrick's Day baskets with candy wrappers strewn all over the floor...

...and carpet where I am going to have to pick it all out piece by piece by hand

All the books and some toys thrown into the crib:

A hamper of dirty clothes emptied out into the toy box (and I mean dirty-clothes of a toddler boy, yuck!)

And WORST of all- the clothes I folded just THIS MORNING strewn all over Annalise's room in addition to the bedding being pulled off and a lamp knocked over. Looks like the aftermath of a robbery!

They achieved all this in a matter of minutes- it's like they are chaos creating professionals!

Of course I told Annalise she needed to help clean this up, but she's claiming she can't. Apparently she is suffering from a "hurt finger".

1 comment:

  1. I think that you can still see the cute through the chaos!! Annalise looks just like you, wow!!
